Are you planning to study abroad? While planning, you might have found various exams and certificates to be submitted to complete your process. A Backlog certificate is one of those certificates of requirement. This is only required when you have any backlogs while you try to apply to a new university. It is crucial to clear all your backlogs to get admission to any university, and in this article, we will understand in depth what a backlog certificate is. 

What is a Backlog?

Generally, a backlog is any uncleared exam by a student during the first attempt. It can be for any postgraduate or graduate degree. The student must retake the exam in the same semester or next year to qualify for a degree. Even though a student gets certain tries to clear the exam or clear all the backlogs. If they fail to pass the exams, their academic records successfully will have a backlog marked in front of the subject till they pass the exam. Backlogs are not counted by the number of attempts taken to pass the exam, but they are counted as per the number of subjects in which the students failed to clear the exam.  There can be various reasons for a backlog, like absenteeism in the exam, understudying for the subject, or a few cases of bad performance due to sickness and mental stress.  

What is a Backlog Certificate?

It is a document that is issued by the university where the student studied. It explains the details of students’ complete backlogs. If a student wishes to study abroad, various universities demand a backlog certificate as an essential document. This certificate ensures that the student applying has cleared all their previous exams or they still have a few exams to retake to complete their previous degree.             

Types of Backlog Certificates

Semester/Year backlog certificate Some institutes issue different certificates every semester/year where the student has a backlog. Once the backlog is cleared, the certificate will be edited.  
Attempt-wise certificate: In this certificate, all the exams you have taken to clear the backlog are noted, and finally, the one that you passed is highlighted to make sure it is recognized. 
Subject-specific certificates In this certificate, subjects are highlighted where the student faces the backlog, and it is edited once the student has passed the subject. 
Cumulative certificateIn this certificate, it is included when the student fails the exam with the subjects. Once passed,  the graders are mentioned, and subjects are finally marked as passed. 

What is the need for a backlog certificate?

There are always specific documents that need to be fulfilled if you want to apply to any overseas educational institute. If universities detect any backlogs, a backlog certificate is submitted to ensure your subjects are cleared. Even though universities prefer students with the best academic results, getting a backlog and then passing it with flying colors is acceptable, too. To be clear, it is not always about the academics. Letter of recommendation, statement of purpose, and English proficiency test results also contribute equally to all the selection criteria of any student in a foreign university.  

How do you obtain a backlog certificate?

To get a backlog certificate, you need to get in contact with the administrative department of the specific university from where you received the backlog. You will have to submit a written application to request a backlog or no backlog certificate (if you never received a backlog and need the document for requirement purposes) from the department. Since this certificate is not usually issued, be sure to apply earlier to get it on time for your document submission date.

Why is a backlog certificate necessary? 

To study overseas, a backlog certificate is an obligatory document. It confirms a student’s academic performance and conditions. 

👉Format of a Backlog Certificate Application👈

Mentioned below is the format of the application that a student must submit to receive a backlog certificate: 

The Principal,

University Name,


Subject: Application for Backlog Certificate

Respected Sir/Ma’am, 

I, Name, s/o or d/o of Father’s name, Roll No. I am/was a student of course name with a batch at your prestigious institution. This application is a request to issue my Backlog Certificate as I require it to apply for my further Program. The details of my backlogs are mentioned below:

Semester Expected Passing YearPassing YearNumber of BacklogsNumber of ReappearsReappear Subject
Semester I     
Semester II     
Semester III     
Semester IV     
Semester V     
Semester VI     

I request you to issue my backlog certificate at the earliest.

Yours Sincerely,


Roll no.



👉Format of a Backlog Certificate👈

The form you will be presented with will be like the following:

This is to certify that Name s/o or d/o Father’s name bearing Roll No. is a bonafide student of Course name and batch at the University Name.

The student has passed the bachelor’s course. Their backlog record is as follows:

Semester Expected Passing YearPassing YearNumber of BacklogsNumber of ReappearsReappear Subject
Semester I     
Semester II     
Semester III     
Semester IV     
Semester V     
Semester VI     

This certificate is being issued at the request of the student and is verified as such.

Principal/Dean Signature

1. Backlogs accepted in The USA

Universities Backlogs Accepted
Kent State UniversityUp To 5 Backlogs
Wichita State University Up To 5 Backlogs
Marist CollegeUp To 5 Backlogs

2.  Backlogs accepted in Australia

Universities Backlogs Accepted
Monash UniversityUp To 5 Backlogs
Queensland UniversityUp To 5 Backlogs
Curtin UniversityUp To 5 Backlogs

3. Backlogs accepted in Canada

Universities Backlogs Accepted
Royal Roads UniversityUp To 5 Backlogs
George Brown CollegeUp To 8 Backlogs
Lambton CollegeUp To 8 Backlogs


If you plan to study overseas, a Backlog certificate is an important document for you. However, not every university requests a backlog certificate, and it is never a waste to have one with you. There are always specific rules on how many backlogs one can attempt, so before applying to any university, go ahead and check out every requirement and regulation for your desired university. If you have any backlog pending or cleared, you must focus on achieving the highest in other eligibility tests to balance out your application. Backlogs do not showcase that you are a bad student. It is just a requirement to prove that your previous courses and classes are all cleared and there are no backlogs. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is it important to attach a backlog certificate with the visa application?

When applying for a visa, it can be an essential document. It can make your visa process smoother as you will be determined as a good and eligible candidate to study abroad. If your backlog is cleared, you will not be considered an impotent candidate to study abroad.  

Who issues a backlog certificate?

A backlog certificate is issued by the same institute from which you have studied and passed or failed the exam. If you have never had a backlog, you will be issued a No-Backlog certificate. You will have to visit and submit an application requesting the backlog certificate in the administrative department of your institute.  

Which countries accept students with Backlogs?

There are a few countries that are lenient with their backlog admissions, some of these countries being Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK, the US, and Ireland.

What is the use of a backlog certificate?

A backlog certificate discloses the student’s academics and showcases the commitment to pass the exam. When applying for a visa, this certificate is required to assure the authorities that your academics are clear and you have a passion to pursue your degree abroad. 

What is an active backlog?

An active backlog means that you have some uncleared exams. Due to these uncleared Backlogs, you cannot receive your degree, and once you clear these pending backlogs, you will be rewarded with your degree and a backlog certificate.   

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