With the landscape of majestic mountains and shining blue lakes, a country with a celebrity influence yet a touch of India in its population and food makes it a popular destination. Everyone is well aware of the quality of education Canada provides and the well-qualified academics their institutes offer; because of this, the country is a stop for the huge student crowd. So Canada is a country where the international population wants to reside.

The cultural blend of international populations makes Canada a country where you can feel at home. Canadian universities are well known for their research advancements and development programs. Here any applicant can find a course meant for them. But there are a few requirements one must complete before entering into Canada.

A variety of documents and processes are required to be followed, like a letter of recommendation or visa processing, and a language test for checking the language proficiency of the applicant.

A variety of language tests are valid in Canada including:

But today, we will be focusing on IELTS along with a few important details related to the test.

What Is IELTS?

IELTS is a test to measure applicants English language proficiency. This test contains four sections (Speaking, writing, listening, and reading). A good score in every section is required to make your overall score a lot better.

Scoring in IELTS goes from 1 – 9, where 1 is the lowest level of proficiency and 9 is the highest level of proficiency. To be on the safer side you need to score at least around a 7 band.

Band Requirements in IELTS

Every institute has its different band requirement but to get selected by the top institutions a band requirement of 7 is a must with a 6.0 band in every section of the exam. For international students, a score of 5.5 in each band is the minimum to get admission. Score for different universities is different and every course also has its different requirement. After high school minimum band is around 5.5. The score is set by Canadian language benchmark standards and is a requirement. Let us take a look at the score guide below:

Level of ExcellenceIELTS band
Expert user9
Very good user8
Good user7
Competent user6
Modest user5
Limited user4
Intermittent user2
Not Attempted1
Not attempted0

Top Universities of Canada and Their Band Requirements

Name of the UniversityOverall Band score
Athabasca University6
 Bishop University6.5
Brandon University6.5
Acadia University6.5
Algoma University6
Brescia University College6.5
Charles Sturt University6
Canadian National Institute Of Health7.5
Camosun College6
Champion College6.5
College Of New Caledonia6
Carleton University6.5
Emily Carr University Of Art And Design6.5
Grant MacEwan College6.5
Cape Breton University6.5
Dalhousie University6.5
Canadian Mennonite University6.5
HEC Montreal7
Huron University6.5
Kwantlen Polytechnic University6.5
Lakehead University6.5
Luther College6.5
MacEwan University6.5
McGill University6.5
NSCAD University7
Mount Royal University7
Oxford College6
St. Thomas University6.5
St. Mary University6.5
University Of Victoria7
Your University6.5
University Of Toronto6.5
University Of Windsor6.5
University Of Manitoba6.5
University Of Regina6.5
Vancouver Island University6.5

How to Score a Good Band in IELTS?

What If Insufficient Band Score?

If your IELTS score is not up to the mark, don’t panic! There is a choice of reapplying always but you can easily opt for the universities that do not have such a high band score. You can always talk to the university and see if they are ready to go flexible with your results. This allows students to get some additional benefits. You can also take a different exam for language proficiency and see if it is accepted for your desired college. There will be many ways to get accepted you just have to explore a wide range of options to check which suits you the best.


The IELTS test may sound difficult or the scorings may sound tough to crack, but good preparation and a proactive method of planning can make your work a little easier. With proper coaching and guidance, scoring a good band gets easy. Don’t worry if your score is not up to the mark. Find a variety of ways to see which one you can fit into the best. With the help of EduLaunchers, you can make your dream come true and study at your favorite university. Seek better guidance and a helping hand to get into The States and enjoy your future success.

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