What is a Study Gap?

Pursuing one’s unique path is appreciated in this age, thus, the ‘study gap’ represents the various drives of the modern era. It is not just any kind of a break from formal learning but rather a deliberate pause or even a stop due to some unexpected happenings.

Common Reasons for Study Gap

There are many reasons why students might choose to take a study gap:

Personal growth and exploration: Life education is important and it involves travel, volunteering, and work experience which gives a person a life education that will help him or her have useful life skills, get to know him or herself better and identify his or her goals.

Career exploration: The gap year offers opportunities for trial of various employment avenues, accumulation of work-based knowledge, and development of helpful networks.

Academic focus: Reengaging in studies with fresh enthusiasm and concentration may facilitate enhanced academic performance and involvement.

Financial reasons: For instance, some learners might have to leave school for a while to make money for upkeep or solve their financial problems.

Acceptability of study gaps depends on each educational institute, as well as each particular program. Nevertheless, several institutions of higher learning across the world are adapting to the idea of essay ordering, as they understand its significance for the students.

Canadian Perspective on Student Gap and Emerging Trends

2020 CBIE survey: Interestingly, 18% of international students indicated that their study gaps extended beyond one year, revealing a noticeable minority that selected such an option.

Global trends: Increasing numbers of students globally taking gap years may be indicative of something larger in our society at large.

Anecdotal evidence: Many admissions officers along with colleges these days say they come across more learning breaks as compared to previously.

Increased awareness and acceptance: The trend is largely influenced by increasing recognition of gap year’s advantages by universities, as well as an increase in awareness of gap year’s advantages among students.

Shifting Priorities: Students today value learning experiences that help them discover themselves, expand their horizons, and plot career trajectories, more so than ever before. They resort to out-classroom experience and typically prefer to travel, volunteer, or work with a college on arrival.

Evolving Job Market: Changing job markets demand flexibility in skillsets because most of them change frequently too. Many schools encourage students to take gap years to provide themselves with work experiences, improve leadership and communication skills, as well as clarify what they want to do in life.

Enhanced Focus: Coming back to studies from a gap year may lead to enhanced motivation, better grades, and greater involvement in learning activities.

Increased Acceptance: Canadian universities and colleges are starting to listen to and accept learning gaps, recognizing that these can improve learning outcomes for students.

Justifying Your Study Gap

 A study gap would be like giving yourself a short break from your usual schooling regime. Sometimes it is deliberate for example holiday learning or vacationing. Sometimes it occurs due to a sudden event which arises requiring urgent attention before going back to your books.

When people intentionally take a study gap, they might do cool and productive things like:

It is true that often, life surprises you with something like a family crisis or a health problem. Therefore, in such situations, one must take some time off from their studies. It is hard, but it’s an opportunity that enables learning how to cope with difficulties, being flexible, and problem-solving.

For How Many Years You Will be Going for a Study Gap in Canada?

Here’s a breakdown of the study gap regulations in Canada:

Duration: A normal break within two years for a diploma program, two years during undergraduate studies, and five years within post-graduate studies.

Documentation: It is important to justify any existing gaps between the two partners. You’ll need to provide specific documents to support your activities during the gap, such as:

Explanation Letter: A convincing document on why you chose to take a gap year with details of your aspirations in life professionally and personally.

Medical Certificates: If your gap was because of health challenges then you will have to present a proof in terms of a medical document.

Employment History: Such evidence includes proof of employment within the gap year, a letter from an employer, or a payslip.

Mandatory Documents: You’ll also need to provide certain materials in support of your application and meet other general requirements of the application.

Academic Transcripts: An official transcript from each of your previous educational institutions.

Mark Sheets: For this, you will need documents that prove your academic excellence in the relevant fields.

Language Test Scores: Proof of English language proficiency with a valid IELTS score.

Letter of Recommendation (LOR): A letter of recommendation from a previous teacher/employer stating that you possess good skills and potential.

Other Supporting Documents: Extra records for example portfolios, work samples, and creative projects will depend on the selected program.

Remember, meticulous documentation is crucial. Prepare all your evidence carefully and make sure that it is translated and certified where required.

Beyond the regulations, here are some additional considerations:

Impact on Admissions: While an understandable time off may have a positive impact on your admission file, extended breaks need more compelling reasons and stronger supporting papers.

University Preferences: Some institutions may, however, allow for slight study breaks depending on the type of institution. Carry out extensive research on the program you want to join to be aware of its details.

Academic Relevancy: Mention any of your gap year pursuits if they revolved around your chosen area of specialization and demonstrate your commitment and readiness.

EduLaunchers: Your Guide Through the Gap

We assist you during your search for meaningful gap year activities, development of competitive application packages, completion of visa requirements, etc., while maintaining your ties with academic objectives. Take advantage of our re-integration support and improve your readiness for study.


It is alright not to study. The playground you are about to enter should be used to learn more about yourself or simply have fun. However, you must support the gap year by strong reasons when applying for university. Before you go back, take your career as a journey of self-discovery.

Commonly Asked FAQs

In which country can one continue his/her study after twenty years?

These are some popular nations in international education like Germany, Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Canada, and the USA. For the academic institution to accept the leave of absence, the student should explain all its advantages.

Why are there “gaps” in your research studies?

Do not hide when you are being asked why there is a gap in your education. Talk about your experience gap and explain what you did during this period. Highlight your accomplishments. Be sure to include any of these achievements from a gap year – volunteering, work, or travel.

Do they accept a 7-year study gap in Canada?

With regulations, most Canadian institutions admit overseas students coming with study breaks. For Diplomas, Undergraduate and Postgraduate study gaps of two and five years are acceptable respectively.

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